Contact details of the Data Controller and the DPO and Information on the processing of personal data
The Data Controller is the University of Rome Tor Vergata:
- Address: Via Cracovia 50, 00133, Rome (RM)
- Telephone: +39 06 7259 8753
- E-mail:
- PEC (certified mail):
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be reached by writing to the following:
- E-mail:
- PEC (certified mail):
Further information on the University's activities related to privacy can be obtained by writing to the e-mail address (Tel. +39 06 72592151).
Attached to this page the following documents:
1 - Privacy notice for orientation events
The information is for participants to the orientation events organized by the University;
2 - Privacy notice for UTV students
The information is for users who intend to register for admission tests and state exams, for users who intend to matriculate for courses of study, and for students, undergraduates, graduates,postgraduates and doctoral students of the University;
3 - Privacy notice for selection and management of assignments
Privacy notice pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") for the processing of personal data, for the selection and the management of assignments of internal and external staff of University.
4 - Privacy notice of publication of photographic, audio, video material
The information is for participants in University events for the publication and/or dissemination of audio, video and/or photographic identification material ("portrait," according to Italian law) for the purpose of institutional communication and promotion of the image of the University itself;
5 - Privacy notice for the conclusion of conventions, agreements and any other legal and administrative act
Privacy notice for legal representatives or their delegates, employees, collaborators and referrals of public and private entities with which the University concludes agreements, conventions, protocols of agreement and any other legal and administrative act not covered by Legislative Decree 50/2016 and subsequent amendments.