BIP - Blended Intensive Program
BIP - Blended Intensive Programme
6 ECTS 48 hour frontal lectures, in presence and on-line taught by Prof. Amedeo Balbi and Prof. Francesco Berrilli
Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme
Namur, 18 - 20 November 2024
A weekly collaborative event by Universeh
SAP Tor Vergata
A new study part of teh HEIDI Higher Education and Informal Diplomacy project
University of Lulea, 3 - 7 March 2025
A Project by Tor Vergata University of Rome
Free Online Italian Courses for students of the Universeh Alliance
Download Tor Vergata Universities' Student Guidebook
Blended Intensive Programmes
Call for the international mobility of the students regularly enrolled in the a.y. 2025/2026 at Tor Vergata University of Rome.
12-16 th of March at Tor Vergata University of Rome
Applications can be submitted to 20/09/2024
The call for application for the 2025/26 Erasmus+ programme is available for students of Tor Vergata University.
Courses for the AY 2024-25
Thursday, 14 December h. 7.00pm
A project to help Tor Vergata's students community with housing solutions.
An international team of scientists led by the Tor Vergata University of Rome and by INAF identified the new planet thanks to NASA's TESS satellite and characterized with the Galileo National Telescope.
Buddy Program helps new students become real Torvergatian
A bioelectronic platform allows to controlthe proliferation of tumour cellsand to record bioelectrical activity of the system.
€ 14.5 million allocated to the Space European University Universeh 2.0 within the European Universities initiative.
Beatrice Proietti won the scholarship dedicated to STEM subjects.
Every year the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants to international students who want to study in Italy.
A spacecraft will set off on an eight-year journey to the solar system’s largest planet, focusing on moons that could offer clues in the search for extraterrestrial life.
Mathematics, classics & ancient history and physics & astronomy among the best 2023 QS World University Rankings by Subject.
Actor and environmentalist cited our university on his Instagram account for the research on pink iguanas
II Semester Courses
The EU project CROSSBRAIN ( started on November 1st and will run for 4 years.
Professor Orazio Schillaci was chosen by the new government
BUDS (Building Up Digital Strategists) is a KA2 Strategic Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ of the European Union
Scheda Raccolta Dati Indicatore Parificato Universitario
CUG and the Welcome Office of Tor Vergata University launch a call to celebrate diversity
Caterina Salituro student at the School of Economics BA in Global Governance visited Brusseles as a EU careers Student Ambassador
The project aims to foster innovation and interest in Social Enterprise among Higher Education, Continuous Vocational Education and Training (c-VET) and the broader socio-economic environment.
Limited edition T-shirts, mugs, sweaters, bottles and much more for the 40th anniversary of Tor Vergata University.
Tor Vergata University of Rome member of RUniPace supports the battle of Iranian women.
A competition rewarding the best blended-learning course among the Universities of Lisbon, Madrid and Rome.
Buddy program helps new students settle in with the support of other enrolled students.
Italian language courses for the academic year 2022-23
Help and support for newly enrolled students from Tor Vergata's students
Tor Vergata University will no longer be part of the YUFE Alliance
The university mourns the passing of a young student.
22 and 28 of March 22 from 11:30 to 13:30
Erasmus+ and Oversease programmes attracted students from all around the world to study in Rome Tor Vergata.
22 March 2022 at 15:00cet
November 11, 2021 at 4 pm CET
An opportunity to learn how different institutions have developed and implemented a wellbeing programme(s) or strategy, from an internal perspective, with the aim of providing inspiration and guidance to others.
Teachers, thinkers, educational leaders and social entrepreneurs deliberating dialogically upon the importance of liberal arts education in the 21st century.
Starting from December 1st every day advice, Tor Vergata's Sustainable Development office will publish suggestions and tips for a sustainable Christmas.
The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU's strategic framework for education and training.
Become a protagonist of the Rome E-Prix and live the spirit of competition.
Tor Vergata University of Rome signed an agreement with CLAEH Universidad of Montevideo in Uruguay.