University of Rome Tor Vergata in short
- The University of Rome Tor Vergata is structured in 6 Schools (Economics; Law; Engineering; Humanities and Philosophy; Medicine and Surgery; Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences) which are organised in 18 Departments.
- For the Academic Year 2017-2018 Tor Vergata offers 107 degree courses (bachelor, master and single cycle degree) and 31 PhD courses (taught in Italian or English).
- Tor Vergata is keen to sharpen its worldwide profile and offers 19 courses taught in English (6 double/joint degree programmes).
- Moreover, Tor Vergata teaching encompasses 150 post lauream courses (advanced training courses, 1st and 2nd Level Vocational Master) and 50 Specialisation Schools.
- The offered training covers more than 200 professional figures and possible career opportunities